Back when I was in the fifth grade, I received a Singer Featherweight Sewing Machine for Christmas. Not knowing at the time how this gift would impact my life, I realized eventually that this would be the beginning of something that I would have a strong passion for, for many years to come.
During the years, I would sew for myself, my family and my friends. After graduating from high school, I knew that I wanted to study something that related to sewing. And so I applied to the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising (FIDM) in Los Angeles, California, and was accepted to begin my studies there in September, 1977. After graduating from FIDM in June, 1979, I took a break from the fashion industry and went to work for Front Porch Communities and Services, a non-profit organization that provides multi-level and continuing care retirement communities for seniors throughout California. In October, 2016 and after 33+ years of employment with Front Porch, I decided that I needed a change to my day to day routine. My passion for sewing and creating something different was never far from my mind and so I decided that this was the path that I wanted to take during my "so-called" retirement years.
When trying to come up with a name for my business, I knew that something related to sewing needed to be a part of it somehow. So with the help of my then 11 year old nephew, Samuel, Simply Essential Wares, or SEW for short, was born.
Fast forward to today . . . I am now designing and creating both adult and kids aprons along with bags, throw pillows and other items that are SIMPLY ESSENTIAL to you, your family, your friends and your home.
Stop in and take a look around or view the video below to see what Simply Essential Wares (SEW) is all about. If you don't find what you are looking for, please contact me and we will take it from there. The possibilities are endless!!!!!!